Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds

Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to act…

Focus on coronavirus shows need for climate law, says EU official

Tensions at the Greek-Turkish border and the coronavirus show why the European Union needs a climate…

Scientists turn to tech to prevent second wave of locusts in east Africa

Scientists monitoring the movements of the worst locust outbreak in Kenya in 70 years are hopeful…

Our House Is on Fire by Greta Thunberg et al review – a family and planet in crisis

A movement born without a face tends to acquire one. Since August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta…

Spend GBP8bn to kickstart plan to decarbonise economy, chancellor told

Climate action: the latest target of Europe’s fossil fuel lobbyists

The government must abandon its fossil fuel power projects. If not, we’ll sue | George Monbiot

E10 petrol: UK to standardise higher ethanol blend

Let’s enjoy some good climate news: the block on UK onshore wind farms is no more | Max Wakefield

Climate nightmares: how to reassure a child who is anxious about the planet