‘This could wreck the area’: anger at new Guggenheim in Spanish nature reserve


Labour to legalise harmful practice of carrying chickens by legs, say charities


Pylons rule and rural beauty is up for sale. Why do those in power so hate the countryside? | Simon Jenkins


‘Mercury destroys lives’: but if goldmining is here to stay, is there a way to make it safer?


Houseplant of the week: cuddly cactus


Week in wildlife in pictures: happy elephants, a tiny koala and baboons taking liberties


Pollutionwatch: Study reveals indoor pollution’s impact on people with COPD


‘Community action’: Oxfordshire’s Low Carbon Hub on its local renewable energy projects


Country diary: Everything about this moth larva says ‘don’t touch me’ | Phil Gates


UK should ‘repurpose’ Belfast shipyard to make green infrastructure
