Carbon emissions fall as electricity producers move away from coal

Carbon emissions from the global electricity system fell by 2% last year, the biggest drop in…

We shouldn’t have to pay for Jack Dorsey’s $40m estate when it crumbles into the sea | Adrian Daub

Even by the standards of overpriced San Francisco, the Sea Cliff neighborhood is astronomically expensive. Nestled…

Griff Rhys Jones: save our Victorian treasures from teen vandals

Griff Rhys Jones, the president of the Victorian Society, has urged councils to protect derelict buildings…

Australia’s extraordinary and vulnerable animals – in pictures

A long-nosed potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) eating fungi. The way they use their long, slightly curved claws…

‘I’m profoundly sad, I feel guilty’: scientists reveal their personal fears about the climate crisis

In 2014, Joe Duggan started reaching out to climate scientists to ask them a question: how…

Brexit ‘opportunity to ban supertrawlers from UK waters’

Brexit offers the perfect opportunity to ban industrial supertrawler fishing boats from UK waters, according to…

More cows than people: America’s beef capital of the world – in pictures

Texas is home to the largest cattle population in the US, with about 13 million animals…

Climate activists demand budget plan for low-carbon future

Climate campaigners are urging the government to set out a clear plan for a low-carbon future…

The week in wildlife – in pictures

An egret passes a tree branch to another during the breeding season at the Daan Forest…

Return of the burbot: ‘great lost fish’ to be reintroduced to UK

Forget dreams of wolves, bears or lynx – the next animal to be restored to the…