The pandemic has revealed gruesome animal abuses at US factory farms | Andrew Gawthorpe

More than any event in recent history, the coronavirus pandemic has made plain the consequences of…

With big rallies cancelled, young climate activists are adapting election tactics

For young climate activists in the US, staying home because of the pandemic does not mean…

Republicans prep for leadership battle if Trump goes down

The maneuvering for power in a possible post-Trump world has already broken out among House Republicans…

California’s ‘Apple Fire’ – the wildfire in pictures

Cherry Valley Smoke rises from the ‘Apple Fire’ Photograph: Ringo HW Chiu/AP Cherry Valley Hotshot firefighters…

Ban SUV adverts to meet UK climate goals, report urges

Advertising of sports utility vehicles, which emit more greenhouse gases than other cars, should be banned…

Country diary: a prickle of excitement among the purple thistles

Empingham Marshy Meadows has transformed since April, the spring flora being succeeded by clouds of fragrant…

More coal power generation closed than opened around the world this year, research finds

The size of the global coal power fleet fell for the first time on record over…

Leaders duel over coronavirus relief bill

Top negotiators for a coronavirus relief bill couldn’t even agree on what they agree on Sunday,…

Karen Bass renounces her praise for Fidel Castro

Bass told Fox host Chris Wallace that her perspective “developed over time” and that she now…

Pelosi accuses Trump, Birx of spreading misinformation about coronavirus

POLITICO reported Friday that the speaker expressed the same sentiment in a closed meeting with Treasury…