Country diary: mystery built into drystone walls

Abney, Derbyshire: It must have been the devil to work in all those narrow apertures –…

Changing Australian fashion’s worst-kept secret could help struggling farmers | Lucianne Tonti

The country produces 90% of the world’s fine apparel wool but processes very little. Some in…

Rubio says Senate Intel will get election briefings despite Ratcliffe order

“The answer to that frustration can’t be, however, that we are just not going to talk…

Amazon tragedy repeats itself as Brazil rainforest goes up in smoke

Jair Bolsonaro smiles down from a propaganda billboard at the entrance to this scruffy Amazon outpost,…

Amazon ‘condemned to destruction’ as fires proliferate across Brazil

The vast rainforest is experiencing a repeat of last year’s devastating blazes and critics say Bolsonaro…

Wildlife photographer of the year 2020, highly commended – in pictures

Winners will be announced on 13 October at a virtual awards ceremony. The exhibition at the…

Nearly 30,000 tonnes of sewage sludge containing human waste to enter UK

Shipment from Amsterdam has been approved despite health concerns, FoI request reveals Sewage sludge containing human…

UK nature-lovers invited to join fight against litter

Trash Free Trails project calls on walkers, runners and cyclists to take part in countryside clean-ups…

Joe Biden’s bold climate policies would leave Australia behind | Bob Carr

Australia may be sailing perilously close to being cast by Biden’s team with other climate resisters…

Extinction Rebellion: 92-year-old among dozens arrested in London climate protests – video report

Play Video 1:51 Thousands of Extinction Rebellion protesters have descended on Parliament Square in London, leading…