Young people resume global climate strikes calling for urgent action

School pupils, youth activists and communities around the world have turned out for a day of…

House GOP super PAC seeks to shore up additional Republican seats

House Republicans’ super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, is spending $18 million in ads, allocating $500,000…

‘Sliding towards extinction’: koala may be given endangered listing as numbers plummet

The koala is being considered for official listing as endangered after the summer’s bushfire disaster and…

How clean are England’s rivers? The latest report makes for uncomfortable reading | Rachel Salvidge

England, 2020. Every single river and lake is polluted beyond legal limits. Not one is free…

‘Money is worth nothing now’: how Lebanon is finding a future in farming

On the side of the Baanoub valley in southern Lebanon, half an hour’s drive from the…

Country diary: tufts of grass hide tiny breeding chambers

I’ll never look at a tussock of grass in the same way again. Hidden within this…

Tragedy in Tasmania: what are pilot whales, and why do they strand themselves?

About 380 pilot whales have died in Tasmania in one of the biggest mass strandings of…

Pollutionwatch: red sky spells warning when the cause is fire and wood burning

Red sky at dawn and dusk is part of weather lore and apparently a cause for…

Pelosi preps new coronavirus relief plan amid stalled talks

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi holds a weekly press conference at the Capitol. | Liz…

Pelosi urges voting to counter Trump on peaceful election transition

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Donald Trump’s refusal to guarantee a peaceful transfer of…