Senate passes $484 billion coronavirus deal after weeks of deadlock

After two weeks of stalemate and days of frenetic negotiations, the Senate approved a nearly $500…

Ice-free Arctic summers now very likely even with climate action

Scientists surprised by latest results but say carbon cuts remain vital to prevent ice loss becoming…

Will Florida be lost forever to the climate crisis?

From sea level rise to habitat loss, the effects of the climate crisis are on the…

Coronavirus crisis could double number of people suffering acute hunger – UN

Report from UN World Food Programme and others warns 265m people are facing acute risk Coronavirus…

Milan announces ambitious scheme to reduce car use after lockdown

Coronavirus-hit Lombardy city will turn 35km of streets over to cyclists and pedestrians Coronavirus – latest…

New Big 5 wildlife photography project – in pictures

An international initiative aims to do away with the old big five of wildlife – based…

Depopulation blues: Spain’s loneliest people – in pictures

Photographer Joan Alvado’s Last Man on Earth project captured winter in Spain’s Serranía Celtibérica, the most…

Country diary: frustrated toads could do with a helping hand

Buxton, Derbyshire: A two-metre wall is the most obvious obstacle to mating. But at least we…

Wildlife returning to Yorkshire moorland a year after blaze

Short-eared owls, curlews and mountain hares have returned to Yorkshire moorland that was devastated by fire…

Cryptocurrency Exchanges: What are KYC, AML and CFT?

As cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular, more and more moves to regulate them have been introduced.…