This Earth Day, we must stop the fossil fuel money pipeline | Bill McKibben

1970 was a simpler time. (February was a simpler time too, but for a moment let’s…

Mystery bird illness investigated after German blue tit deaths

Thousands of blue tits have been found sick or dead in Germany, prompting an investigation by…

Europe had hottest year on record in 2019, report shows

Europe had its hottest year on record last year, new data has confirmed, with periods of…

The urban wild: animals take to the streets amid lockdown – in pictures

Planet of the Humans review – contrarian eco-doc from the Michael Moore stable

Coronavirus fuels K Street lobbying gush, new disclosures show

Airlines, pharmaceutical companies, utilities and shrimp processors are among the industries that have stepped up their…

Microplastics found for first time in Antarctic ice where krill source food

Pandemic side-effects offer glimpse of alternative future on Earth Day 2020

Climate strikes continue online: ‘We want to keep the momentum going’

Lockdown is nothing new. We’ve been kept off the land for centuries | George Monbiot