‘Boiling with activity’: readers’ photos of their local wildlife

Animals farmed: ‘Net zero’ beef, China’s mink bonus and fake swine fever jabs

News from around the world While Europe is shutting down its mink industry in reaction to…

Can red wolves come back from the brink of extinction again?

There are perhaps no more than 10 red wolves left in the wild, and they are…

Senate revs its confirmation engine to fill Biden’s Cabinet

After slow early progress on approving President Joe Biden’s Cabinet nominees, the Senate is finally on…

Is this the end of forests as we’ve known them?

Camille Stevens-Rumann never used to worry about seeing dead trees. As a wildland firefighter in the…

Deadly pig disease could have led to Covid spillover to humans, analysis suggests

An outbreak of a deadly pig disease may have set the stage for Covid-19 to take…

Tough new rules aim to make electrical goods last longer

Tougher rules are being introduced to make appliances such as fridges, washing machines and TVs cheaper…

Birdwatch: white-tailed eagle causes stir in my quiet Somerset village

There are some birds I would never expect to see in my Somerset village. Magnificent frigatebird.…

Major UK pension funds worth nearly GBP900bn commit to net zero

Major pension funds that own assets worth GBP870bn, including those of the Church of England, Lloyds…

Country diary: filling the fields with private sobriquets

It has been five months since any journey was more than an hour’s walk, and in…