Debt payments by countries most vulnerable to climate crisis soar


Notorious seed-stealing koala caught in brazen daylight robbery in northern NSW – video


‘We want to forge ahead’: grief and defiance as Dom Phillips’ widow journeys to site of his death


Shade cloth and poisonous dust: how the red-finned blue-eye was brought back from the brink


Are the climate wars really over, or has a new era of greenwashing just begun? | Joëlle Gergis


Green, green seagrass of home: Welsh nursery growing to save marine habitat


‘We need other logics for our approach to nature’: the woman uprooting colonialism in botany


‘A sign of hope’: why weeds are finally being embraced by gardeners


‘It’s all we have’: young climate activists on the state of politics around the world


Scotland’s remote land of bogs and bugs in line for world heritage status
