Australia v the climate part 5: a plan for net zero?

This week Scott Morrison finally released what he said was a plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050. But is it? In this final episode of the series, editor Lenore Taylor, political editor Katharine Murphy, climate and environment editor Adam Morton and reporter Graham Readfearn discuss the implications of ‘the Australian way’ plan and what it means for Cop26 in Glasgow

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Billed as the world’s “best, last chance” to get global heating under control, Cop26 has a big goal: to secure global net zero emissions by 2050 and keep 1.5C within reach.

Australia’s climate report card is poor, following decades of political squabbling, policy failures, leadership coups, climate scepticism and poor planning. And yet most Australians have a lived experience of the worsening climate crisis – devastating bushfires, floods, extreme weather and loss of species and habitat.

Australia v the climate looks at how we got here, what has gone wrong, and what can be done to change course.

Australia vs the Climate Podcast artwork for episode, a hand holds a piece of coal coming out of a flooded Australia

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