Disarray consumes Capitol ahead of critical deadline

Congress bought itself two more days to negotiate a coronavirus package on Friday evening even as lawmakers stumbled in their efforts to seal the deal on a $900 billion relief agreement.

Still, the day did not turn into the total debacle it once seemed. The House overwhelmingly approved the 48-hour stopgap spending bill to avoid a shutdown, and Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) relented on threats to shut the government down in their bid for larger stimulus checks than the $600 under consideration.

While Sanders threatened to object to the stopgap funding bill, he allowed it to go through by citing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s promise to keep the Senate in session until a Covid deal is reached. The Senate will reconvene on Saturday morning as congressional leaders try to break the stubborn impasses on the Federal Reserve’s lending programs, rescue for entertainment venues and disaster relief funding.

McConnell summed up the state of play on negotiations that have seemed within reach for days: “We’ve been close for a while now. And we still are.”

Congress had hoped to at least announce a deal on Friday, using the shutdown deadline to pressure lawmakers to finish their work. Now lawmakers will work through the weekend.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said even if negotiators clinch a deal late Friday, which appears unlikely, the earliest the House would vote would be at 1 p.m. Sunday, teeing up a frantic day of legislative action to close out the weekend.

“We are hopeful that they will reach agreement in the near future, they have not reached one yet,” Hoyer said, noting there were still some “significant issues outstanding.”

The dash to prevent a government shutdown capped a day of lame duck drama. Frustrations boiled over with rank-and-file members, who vented about being left out of the negotiations only to be expected to vote on a nearly $2 trillion package sometime this weekend that no one will have fully read.

“This is ridiculous,” said Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-Conn.). “We should have a deal — we should’ve had a deal a long time ago. It’s unconscionable that we’re even here the weekend before Christmas.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and McConnell spoke by phone around 1 p.m. and agreed to try to wrap up negotiations within the next three to four hours. But that afternoon deadline came and went without an announcement of a deal.

After meeting with McConnell later Friday, Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) said the state of play was increasingly tenuous. He said announcing a deal on Friday “would be a triumph of hope over experience.”

The issues hindering Congress are complex and multi-layered. Democrats are blaming GOP Sen. Pat Toomey’s insistence on winding down a key Federal Reserve program as the primary impediment to finishing negotiations, but Republicans say Democrats are just looking to send states and cities more funds through a backdoor method.

Conservatives are raising alarm about new spending. And several senators are pushing for higher direct payments than the current level of $600, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Sanders and Hawley.

Hawley briefly threatened to stop a short-term spending bill over concerns about whether direct payments were in the bill, but relented at 5 p.m. after being briefed by GOP leaders. Sanders rose to object to McConnell’s attempt to pass the spending bill, but backed down with a threat about the next deadline.

“And let me also be absolutely clear that I will object to any attempt by the Senate to pass an omnibus appropriations bill and leave town before passing a Covid relief bill with substantial direct payments going to working people,” Sanders said. As he left the Capitol for the night he declined to specify whether $600 met his definition of “substantial.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) blocked Hawley and Sanders from passing a new round of $1,200 stimulus checks, exposing the rift in the GOP about how to handle the pandemic’s sweeping economic impacts.

Though McConnell said on Friday morning that he’s “even more optimistic now than I was last night that a bipartisan, bicameral framework for a major rescue package is very close at hand,” the finger-pointing at Toomey (R-Pa.) in the frantic negotiations and complaints by Hawley and Sanders suggested a tough road ahead for congressional leaders.

Despite the last minute disputes, lawmakers say they’re hopeful a deal is still within reach.

“This is just the normal pain associated with getting to a final solution,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told reporters.

But that hasn’t stopped the blame game from continuing in full force in the meantime.

Senior Democrats said an agreement was “within sight” until Toomey and the GOP made a new ask on the Fed’s emergency lending programs. Toomey has pushed for similar provisions since July, but Democrats argue his latest proposal is more restrictive. Republicans are concerned the emergency lending program will be used to help state and local governments, which they have repeatedly objected to.

The current version of Toomey’s plan would prevent the emergency lending program established by the CARES Act from continuing next year and would also bar the central bank from starting any similar program, according to a draft viewed by POLITICO.

The Federal Reserve has said it would like the emergency programs to continue operating until the economic crisis has ended. Brian Deese, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to be National Economic Council director, urged negotiators to keep the Fed program.

But Toomey pushed back in a statement Friday afternoon, saying in a statement that his language affects “facilities that received CARES Act money expire at the end of the year … cannot be re-started or duplicated without authorization by Congress. Any statement to the contrary is inaccurate.”

The early skirmishing was an ominous sign for one of the most pivotal days of Congress this year.

While congressional leaders have agreed to the broad outlines of a package that would deliver $600 stimulus checks to many individuals and children, $325 billion for small businesses and a $300 weekly unemployment boost, finalizing the deal has proven stubbornly difficult.

Johnson raged against that framework as he blocked Hawley’s proposal, suggesting conservatives will not appreciate more than $2 trillion in spending being dropped in their laps at the last minute.

“I’m certainly lodging my objection to what’s barreling through here. The train has left the station on the package that’s being negotiated right now that is way too big,” Johnson said on the Senate floor.

The weekend session and new Sunday shutdown deadline mark a fitting finale for a Congress that opened with the longest government shutdown in history.

In addition to the Fed fight, disaster relief, direct payment eligibility and money for entertainment venues were also among the final sticking points for negotiators. Then there’s the issue of drafting hundreds of pages of legislative text and getting it through the House and the Senate, where one individual senator can slow everything down.

Marianne LeVine, Caitlin Emma and Victoria Guida contributed to this report.

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