Senate GOP releases Covid proposal amid internal divisions

Senate Republicans released their $1 trillion coronavirus relief proposal Monday afternoon, setting off what could be weeks of tough political battles with Democrats over unemployment insurance, state and local aid, and liability protection for businesses and schools as the pandemic continues to batter the U.S. economy.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) outlined the pillars of the proposal, which will include another round of $1,200 in direct payments to individual Americans, more money for the Paycheck Protection Program, a reduction in boosted federal unemployment benefits, liability protection and more than $100 billion for reopening schools and colleges.

With the introduction of the GOP proposal, talks with Democrats will begin in earnest.

“Which version of our distinguished Democratic colleagues are the American people about to get?” McConnell asked on the Senate floor. “Are they going to get the Democratic Party we got in March when our colleagues met in good faith negotiations and worked with us to turn our framework into a bipartisan product?”

But Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said they were “somewhat frustrated” with Senate Republicans following a 90-minute closed-door session with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who are leading the talks for the Trump administration.

“We had hoped there would be a bill. Instead, in the Senate, they put together little pieces here, and there, and everywhere,” Schumer told reporters Monday night. “It’s pretty clear they don’t have 51 votes in the Senate among the Republicans for a proposal. It’s frustrating.”

Pelosi repeatedly noted the GOP package had $2 billion for the FBI, including funding to help renovate the bureau’s headquarters building on Pennsylvania Ave., which is located across the Trump International Hotel.

“This isn’t serious,” Pelosi complained. “This is wrong. We have to do what’s right for the American people.”

The Senate GOP plan calls for the reduction in increased federal unemployment benefits from $600 to $200 per week for a 60-day period, or until states are able to provide a 70 percent wage replacement. This prospective change had been floated by the White House last week, although there have been concerns whether state unemployment agencies could handle the revisions.

“The boosted unemployment benefits are significantly more than the Democratic Senate and Democratic president approved in the 2009 economic crisis,” Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said on the floor Monday.

The GOP package also provides additional flexibility for the $150 billion in state funds provided under the CARES Act and extends the time frame under which that money can be used. The proposal also includes liability protection for businesses and schools in the event of lawsuits due to coronavirus exposure.

Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) said the bill includes $16 billion in new money for expanding state testing capacity — on top of $9 billion that hasn’t been spent yet — $26 billion for the development and distribution of vaccines, $105 billion to help schools reopen, $20 billion to assist farmers and ranchers and close to $30 billion to “bolster the U.S. defense industrial base.”

The Republican initiative includes close to $2 billion for the FBI to purchase personal protective equipment and boost the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, a White House priority. When McConnell was asked about the money at a news conference, he said: “Obviously we had to have an agreement with the administration in order to get started.”

Even before Republicans were find Schumer (D-N.Y.) was quick to pan the GOP proposal on the Senate floor.

“They can’t even put one bill together they are so divided,” Schumer said. “The greatest crisis America has faced in close to a century on health, 75 years on the economy, and our Republican colleagues can’t even agree among themselves about what to do and have put out a few piecemeal pieces that don’t even come close to doing the job.”

Negotiations on the next coronavirus relief proposal come as a $600 federal boost in unemployment benefits from the March CARES package began to expire over the weekend. Democrats are pushing to extend those benefits into next year.

The release of the Senate GOP plan comes after Mnuchin and Meadows spent the weekend negotiating with Senate leadership staff to hammer out the final details.

While the first three major coronavirus relief packages passed Congress with large bipartisan majorities — despite some intense partisan wrangling — this round of discussions is going to be much more challenging. Democrats want to spend at least $2 trillion more than Republicans will propose, while GOP hard-liners don’t want to do a package at all.

In a sign that negotiations are going to be difficult from the start, Meadows and Mnuchin spent Sunday floating a piecemeal approach to the aid package. But McConnell has vowed that any upcoming coronavirus relief bill will be the Senate’s last. Pelosi has also rejected the piece-by-piece idea — which some insiders are referring to as a “skinny” proposal — as a non-starter.

“It’s good that they called it skinny because that’s what you get when you don’t have enough to eat,” Pelosi said, decrying the lack of food stamp money in the GOP plan.

House Democrats were also quick to dismiss the idea of cutting federal unemployment benefits down to $200 per week.

“It is the ultimate disconnect with what Americans are dealing with if they think an extra $200 is enough for the families,” Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) said. “They don’t seem to understand that money is actually supporting that economy.”

Democrats say they aren’t ruling out a short-term extension entirely, if it could continue the extra $600 per week in benefits. But many are skeptical of the GOP’s efforts, citing the weeks of delay leading up to this point.

“My view is, we passed the Heroes Act 2 1/2 months ago. It was a comprehensive and decisive response to a deadly pandemic. The administration and Mitch McConnell have done nothing ever since,” House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Monday.

“It’s time to act and act in a transformative way, and not with a short-term Band-Aid-like fix.”

The stakes for Congress to get another major package through before leaving for the August recess are high, as coronavirus cases continue to rise nationwide. Pelosi vowed Sunday that Congress would not leave town without a deal. Democrats are pushing for the $3 trillion Heroes Act, which the House passed in May, although McConnell has rejected that approach as far too costly.

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