‘Ban them until we know they’re safe’: Dutch flower growers urged to stop using pesticides


Scientists’ experiment is ‘beacon of hope’ for coral reefs on brink of global collapse


MP Caroline Lucas: ‘My biggest disappointment? Not to have been joined by more Green MPs … yet’


‘Dirty secret’: insiders say UK water firms knowingly break sewage laws


Drone video shows Western Australia’s forests dying in heat and drought – video


‘Not the only birder in the village’: how citizen science is the bedrock of tackling species loss


For the first time in decades, the elusive call of the ‘bunyip bird’ returns to Tasmania’s Lagoon of Islands


Western Australia’s eucalypt forests fade to brown as century-old giant jarrahs die in heat and drought


EPA moves to make US polluters pay for cleanup of two forever chemicals


Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters, study finds
