The deadly impact of burning wood and other solids in London


Country diary: The silver lining to Dr Beeching’s axe | Phil Gates


Loss of bats to lethal fungus linked to 1,300 child deaths in US, study says


Rare moth found in Norfolk village 50 years after becoming ‘extinct’ in Britain


The vanishing mangroves of El Salvador: ‘All our efforts may only slow the destruction’


Australia may delay release of 2035 climate target as world awaits outcome of US election


A cool flame: how Gaia theory was born out of a secret love affair


Can Australia reach net zero by 2050? A new reports shows it must be ‘the new normal’ | Frank Jotzo for the Conversation


‘A 100-year vision’: Skiddaw’s barren peak to spring to life in ambitious rewilding


‘Better than medication’: prescribing nature works, project shows
