Frayed cables and yellow pillows: how to fix, reuse or ditch 12 confusing kinds of household clutter


Louisiana residents breathe a sigh of relief as Hurricane Francine recedes


Entire Earth vibrated for nine days after climate-triggered mega-tsunami


‘Waste has value’: how surfing helps Colombia solve its plastic problem


‘I’ll have them with hot sauce’: should vegans eat oysters?


Out of 1,500 global climate policies, only 63 have really worked. That’s where green spin has got us | George Monbiot


Weatherwatch: how winds of war kept England from going Viking


Country diary: A forgotten church that’s being returned to the earth | Alexandra Pearce-Broomhead


Consumerism and the climate crisis threaten equitable future for humanity, report says


The hell and horror of cow attacks: ‘I told my husband to leave me to die’
