Hottest ocean temperatures in 400 years an ‘existential threat’ to the Great Barrier Reef, researchers find


Greenwash Games? French public points finger at Coca-Cola over Olympics plastic waste


For those with power and rich donors – the AC is always on, even if it’s melting outside | George Monbiot


The rise of ‘ento-veganism’: how eating crickets could help save the world


Tropical Storm Debby deluges coastal US cities – in pictures


UK failing to monitor apparently falling wasp populations, expert warns


‘I turned into a solar nerd’: money and fun were the unexpected benefits of installing panels


Specieswatch: Sand eel fishing ban offers hope of stock resurgence


Country diary: A small market town, honeyed with sunset and old memories | Nicola Chester


Take a tour of the South Australian seabed on the back of a sea lion – video
