‘You don’t need animals to make real meat’: the man who grows chicken in a lab


‘I was frustrated’: The woman who told Labour it didn’t need to spend £28bn on green investment


Green groups urge Ed Miliband to scrap Drax subsidies


‘These ideas are incredibly popular’: what is degrowth and can it save the planet?


Campaigners sue EU over ‘grossly inadequate’ 2030 climate targets


‘Holy grail’ ghost orchid rediscovered in UK for the first time since 2009


So Starbucks’ CEO commutes to work by private jet? Let’s not pretend the super-rich care about the planet | Arwa Mahdawi


Could these Maldives tiger sharks help uncover the holy grail of shark research?


Country diary: 145 footprints, ancient but somehow familiar | Amy-Jane Beer


UN chief: there is no way to keep 1.5C alive without a fossil fuels phase-out – video
