‘Ingrained in our heritage’: UK’s ancient oaks showcased in Tree of the Year contest


Humans to push further into wildlife habitats across more than 50% of land by 2070 – study


The Guardian view on meat: we need to eat less of it | Editorial


Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’


Privatised water firms are imperilling our health and poisoning our rivers. Act now: flood the streets with rage | Feargal Sharkey


The livestock lobby is waging war on ‘lab-grown meat’. This is why we can’t let them win | George Monbiot


Plantwatch: Why fig trees are an emblem of Sheffield’s industrial past


How paddleboarding conquered Britain: the delights and dangers of the nation’s fastest-growing sport


‘I don’t want this landscape to change’: the UK energy head making the local case for clean power


Sweden to kill 20% of its brown bears in annual hunt
