‘Cruisezilla’ passenger ships have doubled in size since 2000, campaigners warn


Death toll for birds hitting buildings may be over 1 billion a year in US – report


‘It is OK to be content with your simple life’: is ‘underconsumption core’ the answer to too much shopping?


Hottest ocean temperatures in 400 years an ‘existential threat’ to the Great Barrier Reef, researchers find


Greenwash Games? French public points finger at Coca-Cola over Olympics plastic waste


For those with power and rich donors – the AC is always on, even if it’s melting outside | George Monbiot


The rise of ‘ento-veganism’: how eating crickets could help save the world


Tropical Storm Debby deluges coastal US cities – in pictures


UK failing to monitor apparently falling wasp populations, expert warns


‘I turned into a solar nerd’: money and fun were the unexpected benefits of installing panels
