‘Your body is completely drained’: US workers toil in heatwaves with no protections


As record heat risks bleaching 73% of the world’s coral reefs, scientists ask ‘what do we do now?’


How ‘world’s first oil town’ is wrestling with fossil fuel legacy


‘Smarter money’ is the key that will unlock the promise of Africa and the Caribbean


Costly climate ‘solutions’ look like more pollution in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’


Weather tracker: Rain to give way to searing heat at Paris Olympics


‘Warning sign to us all’ as UK butterfly numbers hit record low


Inside the battle for top job that will decide the future of deep-sea mining


A letter to the editor of First Dog on the Moon: could we please have more good news stories? | First Dog on the Moon


Country diary: Nature red in tooth and – quite literally – claw | Charlie Elder
