Glamping on the go: a wild ride through Cumbria in a camper truck


Country diary: The air is rich with post-dawn birdsong | Jennifer Jones


Think before you click – and three other ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint | Koren Helbig


A kangaroo, a possum and a bushrat walk into a burrow: research finds wombat homes are the supermarkets of the forest


Cop29 at a crossroads in Azerbaijan with focus on climate finance


High levels of weedkiller found in more than half of sperm samples, study finds


Week in wildlife – in pictures: amorous frogs, battling stallions and an overaffectionate jaguar


Targeting India’s most harmful power plants could slash mortality


Union urges Labour not to ban new North Sea licences without plan for jobs


Swallow, swift and house martin populations have nearly halved, finds UK bird survey
