Senators reveal bipartisan plan to avert shutdown for 7 weeks


Trump falsely claims wind turbines lead to whale deaths by making them ‘batty’


Hill staffers’ student loan repayment program will shut off during a shutdown, right as most other borrowers’ debt repayment restarts.


A look at the membership of the Senate Ethics Committee — a body unlikely to move swiftly against Bob Menendez.


McCarthy pushes for Biden meeting with shutdown 5 days away


Senate Democrats turn on Menendez — even Cory Booker


Ursula von der Leyen praises watered-down vehicle emissions compromise – as it happened


Hearing is believing in the power of the kookaburras’ raucous chorus


Lawmakers from the Democratic Women’s Caucus want committee chairs to add more women as witnesses.


‘We can’t drink oil’: how a 70-year-old pipeline imperils the Great Lakes
