Climate karma: do we have a hope in hell? | Fiona Katauskas


Why solar batteries are increasingly worth buying for Australian homes in 2023 | Finn Peacock


‘We made it’: tears of joy as Brazil backs Indigenous land rights – video report


Sen. Bob Menendez charged with taking bribes to help business cronies, Egyptian government


Heat-related deaths in 2022 hit highest level on record in England


Despite posturing and proposals, Congress gets paid during a shutdown (whether they want to or not.)


Wildfires turn Canada’s vast forests from carbon sink into super-emitter


Sunak’s net zero U-turn will hurt those he says he wants to help – Labour must stand up for them | Fatima Ibrahim


Bee-killing pesticides banned in EU found at unsafe levels in English rivers


From cage-free chicks to puppy mills and Avian flu: Republicans are trying to roll back animal protections
