Bacteria that ‘eat’ methane could slow global heating, study finds


The Guardian view on canals: a national success story under threat | Editorial


An Arizona malbec? How the arid state became America’s newest wine country


Hogfish can use their skin to ‘see’ what colour they are, say scientists


Tortoise shells can yield information on nuclear contamination, scientists find


The Hawaii fires are a dire omen of the climate crisis’s cost to Pacific peoples | Kiana Davenport


We need to work out a way forward on rising migration – the alternative is mass drownings | Gaia Vince


Fukushima: wastewater from ruined nuclear plant to be released from Thursday, Japan says


‘A never-ending fight’: cancer and diabetes cases soar in wake of Mariana dam disaster


Plant diversity in urban green spaces led to sevenfold increase in insect species, study finds
