Dems revive calls for Clarence Thomas resignation, SCOTUS ethics reforms after new ProPublica report


Water wars: meet the guardians of one of Europe’s most vital wetlands


China’s moratoriums on fishing do ‘nothing to protect squid’


Private jets are awful for the climate. It’s time to tax the rich who fly in them | Edward J Markey


The truth is Tory voters are onboard for net zero. What’s really worrying them is how we get there | Sam Hall


Ripped, hot and in your 50s? You are now, officially, ‘beekeeping age’


I was a champion of fake meat: but I’m not surprised people are losing their taste for it | Aine Carlin


Nomads of the sea: stateless Bajau face up to a future on land – photo essay


‘Make mud, not war’: how US used weather warfare in Vietnam


Maui fires: six people killed in unprecedented Hawaii wildfires fanned by Hurricane Dora
