Australia is not being ‘singled out’ by Unesco’s in-danger recommendation for the Great Barrier Reef | Terry Hughes


Steve Bell on Rishi Sunak’s promise to ‘max out’ North Sea oil – cartoon


Billionaire investor threatens to pull out of UK amid global outcry at new oil rush


Vindication or cowardice? Andy Burnham’s clean air gamble in Manchester


BP’s £2bn profits cause anger amid climate crisis


Why carbon capture and storage will not solve the climate crisis any time soon


Here’s the truth about Sunak’s plans for the North Sea: he will sell out the planet to the dirtiest bidders | George Monbiot


Bride wades through floodwaters after Philippines hit by typhoons – video report


‘It’s a Baltic problem’: the Swedish coastguards saving shipwrecks from looters


‘Fruit of kings’: heatwave is a blessing for Arizona’s desert-loving date palms
