Alaska high court reverses ruling that roiled House election


I hate the cold, I’m scared of deep water. Here’s why I’m leaving my warm doona for ocean swimming | Eleanor Limprecht


‘Secretive, adorable weirdos’: rare possum caught in the Northern Territory for first time


Why bankers close their ears to the ‘climate nut jobs’ talking about the end of the world | Nick Cohen


‘I had singular focus’: 30 years on from Severn Cullis-Suzuki’s Earth Summit speech


Thirty years of climate summits: where have they got us?


New York has a chance to generate all its electricity from clean energy by 2030 | Ross Barkan


California vineyard laborers wanted wildfire safety. Then came a shadowy counter-movement


‘Forever chemicals’ are killing whales – and harming us | Ella Al-Shamahi


A living room on a skateboard: how electric vehicles are redefining the car
