Hardy coltsfoot adorns barren waste grounds: Country diary, 11 January 1921

11 January 1921 The changing face of nature gives a soothing, mental rest when we are wearied by the perplexing whirl of commerce and politics

In spring, and more noticeably in that part of winter which is really spring, when days are lengthening and buds forming, every common, insignificant flower has its value. The primrose in the garden, though a true flower of spring, has less value in the eyes of the outdoor naturalist than the brave and hardy coltsfoot, which is now announced. The first news of this so far leafless plant in flower seldom if ever comes from what we term real country, but from the outskirts, often uninviting, of busy manufacturing areas. Frequently I see my first coltsfoot on some Northwich spoil bank, or in a railway cutting outside some station, even amidst the cinders at Cornbrook. This year my earliest information comes from Padgate, where it was noted on the 6th.

Related: Coltsfoot deserves respect: Country diary 100 years ago

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