Amid the gloom of lockdown, I have taken solace in nature | David Lindo

If you’re feeling cooped up, defy the cold, head for your local park and marvel at the antics of gulls, starlings and fieldfares

I endured the first lockdown while living alone for a period in Spain. The virus was rampant in the country and measures to stop it were draconian. For nearly three months I lived in virtual confinement with the occasional visit to the corner shop being my only respite – my only chance to see people other than a rare visit from the postman. We were not even permitted to take exercise.

I was based in Mérida, a city in the south west. The front of my flat overlooked an incredibly ugly secondary school – out back on the terrace, the skyline was dominated by chimneys and satellite dishes. There was not a lick of green to be seen. As many will have experienced, it was a very tough time.

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