Vulnerable Dems anxious over stalled Covid talks

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the idea of lowering her party’s demands, reiterating that Democrats needed…

The NSW Nationals’ threat to blow up the Coalition over koalas is as bizarre as it is misguided

The New South Wales National party’s decision to make koalas casualties of a political feud to…

German farmers face possible pig culls as African swine fever discovered

German farmers have been ordered to enact a series of crisis measures after the discovery of…

Senate Democrats block Republican Covid relief proposal

Senate Democrats blocked a scaled-down, $500 billion Republican coronavirus relief measure Thursday, weakening the chances that…

Toxic pesticides banned for EU use exported from UK

Toxic pesticides banned for use in the UK are being exported to countries with less stringent…

Crossbench senators vow to block Coalition changes to environment laws

Crossbench senators have vowed to block the Morrison government’s proposed changes to environmental laws next month,…

Country diary: it is not just the pretty stinkbugs who are going scrumping

It looks as though it carries a switch; its wings are folded in a triangle within…

Greens grow in Europe, but politicians can’t take all the credit

The Greens swept to their best-ever results in the 2019 European elections. Winning nearly 10% of…