Top GOP super PAC launching $21M Senate ad blitz this month

Senate Leadership Fund, the outside group with ties to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will launch…

The Green Recovery: how Australia can clean up its act on energy – video

Play Video 3:42 One third of Australia’s carbon emissions come from electricity – and that’s in…

Yates says Obama, Biden didn’t influence Flynn investigation

By KYLE CHENEY 08/05/2020 11:33 AM EDT Updated: 08/05/2020 05:20 PM EDT Former Deputy Attorney General…

Johnson and Grassley push back against accusations they’re spreading Russian disinformation

Sens. Ron Johnson (above) and Chuck Grassley confirmed in the letter that the addendum does, in…

New Guinea has greatest plant diversity of any island in the world, study reveals

New Guinea is home to more than 13,500 species of plant, two-thirds of which are endemic,…

Deadly diseases from wildlife thrive when nature is destroyed, study finds

The human destruction of natural ecosystems increases the numbers of rats, bats and other animals that…

Tesco urged to ditch meat company over alleged links to Amazon deforestation

Tesco has called on the UK government to order food companies to ensure all food sold…

China poised to power huge growth in global offshore wind energy

The world’s offshore windfarm capacity could grow eightfold by the end of the decade powered by…

Country diary: life flourishes among the skeletons of scuttled steamships

The wrecks protrude from the water on both sides of the causeway: the ruins of steamships,…